My Balticon Schedule

Here’s my final panel schedule for Balticon later this month at the Renaissance Harborplace Hotel in Baltimore: Saturday, May 25 1:00 PM Autographs with Jack Campbell and Andrew McDowell 2:30 PM The Importance of Book Design Sunday, May 26 5:30 PM Best Resources on Writing Monday, May 27 11:30 AM Recognizing Predatory Publishing Practices 1:00Continue reading “My Balticon Schedule”

How to Format Your Manuscript (Video)

If you missed my presentation on manuscript and book format last month at the Maryland Writers’ Association Annapolis chapter, here it is on YouTube: It was a hybrid meeting, both in-person and online, and it was my first time recording a presentation on Zoom. Here’s the handout: How to Format Your Manuscript Notes For thoseContinue reading “How to Format Your Manuscript (Video)”

Recent and Upcoming Appearances

Greetings, everyone. This month I’ve got some recent appearances as well as some upcoming ones to share. First, here’s a sermon I gave at Nichols-Bethel United Methodist Church in which I discuss my journey, personally and in writing, with social media, as I have mentioned gradually in past posts, as well as with physical clutter,Continue reading “Recent and Upcoming Appearances”

Architecture of a Website

Even before I had published my first novel, I was told by at least one friend at a Maryland Writers’ Association meeting that I should have a website first. Some followers of my Facebook page, which came first, wondered whether I had one. Now it’s approaching eight years of being up on the web. SoContinue reading “Architecture of a Website”

More Stuff Happening

Yes. Even more stuff has happened since last month. First off, the online magazine Words of the Lamb has published not only my micro memoir / testimony but also three of my poems: God’s Presence on 5/1/2022 See the Rainbow The North Star The Flame Tree Many thanks to Sally Cronin for once again featuringContinue reading “More Stuff Happening”

Change, Perfection, Positivity

Change happens all the time. As someone who suffers from Asperger syndrome, I can tell you that change to routines and patterns, stepping outside of my comfort zone, has never been easy. Change, especially when it occurs outside of my control, sends my mind spiraling, and I feel trepidation. But change can lead to benefits.Continue reading “Change, Perfection, Positivity”


When a writer’s work is published, it not only goes out into the spotlight, but so does the writer. People who read books are pretty much guaranteed to be interested in learning more about the people who wrote the words, to find out more about the mind behind the stories they become devoted fans of.Continue reading “Spotlight”

Young People Reading

Once when I was at the gym, a gym buddy told me how he felt young children these days aren’t as engrossed with reading as they used to be, that nowadays they are in essence glued to technological escapes rather than literary ones. In many respects I think he isn’t wrong. Technology is constantly changing,Continue reading “Young People Reading”

Readers’ Wants

Back when I did my first blog post, I talked about what I called the “Misery Complex” (in reference to Stephen King’s famous novel), and how writers’ and readers’ wants can clash. Granted, not all fans are crazy and obsessive about authors and fictional characters, like Annie Wilkes, but there is no denying that onceContinue reading “Readers’ Wants”

Writing vs. Marketing—Balancing the Scales

It seems that there are two sides to the coin of being a writer. The first side is writing process and everything related to the it, such as conducting research, sharing drafts with beta readers and critique groups, and editing. The second side is marketing. Writers need to build a network and an online presenceContinue reading “Writing vs. Marketing—Balancing the Scales”