More Stuff Happening

Yes. Even more stuff has happened since last month. First off, the online magazine Words of the Lamb has published not only my micro memoir / testimony but also three of my poems: God’s Presence on 5/1/2022 See the Rainbow The North Star The Flame Tree Many thanks to Sally Cronin for once again featuringContinue reading “More Stuff Happening”

Change, Perfection, Positivity

Change happens all the time. As someone who suffers from Asperger syndrome, I can tell you that change to routines and patterns, stepping outside of my comfort zone, has never been easy. Change, especially when it occurs outside of my control, sends my mind spiraling, and I feel trepidation. But change can lead to benefits.Continue reading “Change, Perfection, Positivity”

Writing vs. Marketing—Balancing the Scales

It seems that there are two sides to the coin of being a writer. The first side is writing process and everything related to the it, such as conducting research, sharing drafts with beta readers and critique groups, and editing. The second side is marketing. Writers need to build a network and an online presenceContinue reading “Writing vs. Marketing—Balancing the Scales”

Yes, Networking is Crucial

Years ago, I talked about using social media for promoting one’s work and oneself as a writer, which has become even more important because of COVID. But promotion and marketing are but a part of something more important for life as a writer: networking. The more connections you make, the better your chances are atContinue reading “Yes, Networking is Crucial”

Q&A with Elizabeth Holland

Check out this Q&A I did with author Elizabeth Holland: Author Q&A with Andrew McDowell Many thanks for this opportunity, Elizabeth! Happy Holidays, everyone! Wishing you all a Happy New Year, especially after a year like this. Today is the day of the Winter Solstice, which is the origin of many winter holidays. As theContinue reading “Q&A with Elizabeth Holland”

Five Years of Blogging

This month will mark this website’s 5th anniversary (twelve days from today, to be exact)! I’d already done a post looking back after two years, but five years is one of those major milestones that several people mark. So here’s a summary of what this website has seen and went through in five years. IContinue reading “Five Years of Blogging”

An Author’s Experience of Marketing during COVID

During the COVID-19 crisis, a number of marketing opportunities opened up for me. I’ve already shared a few of them in previous posts, but here are others. Here is a guest post that I did for author C. A. Campbell, in which I discuss how online marketing took on a greater role during the stay-at-homeContinue reading “An Author’s Experience of Marketing during COVID”

Double Feature: Two Recent Guest Appearances

Many thanks to author C. L. Schneider for including my book among her newsletter’s guest indie authors! The Latest News, Events, and Updates from The link to the second appearance in this post’s title, sadly, is no longer active. But this was basically its content: Mystical Greenwood, Book I of One with Nature Publisher:Continue reading “Double Feature: Two Recent Guest Appearances”

National Author’s Day

It’s National Author’s Day! I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to many different writers I’ve met, and who’ve been encouraging to me on my author’s journey. Writing, despite what some (if there are any still) think, isn’t solitary. I started out on my own when I was a teenager, butContinue reading “National Author’s Day”

Another Year

Tomorrow marks this website’s second anniversary. Wow, two years already! Looking back, it’s amazing how much has happened since I created it, much of which I couldn’t have anticipated. This blog post is my twenty-fourth. I chose to pace myself at one a month, which has suited me fine so I wouldn’t run out ofContinue reading “Another Year”