Plot vs. Pants vs. Plants

It’s a question that all writers get asked at least once, including me. Some writers plan everything out in advance. Others make it up as they go, writing off the seat of their pants. It’s one of those things where writers seem to fall into one of two camps, it seems, similar to print vs.Continue reading “Plot vs. Pants vs. Plants”

Reading Fantasy and Science Fiction

Many thanks to author Jamie Adams for this opportunity to discuss the appeal of reading fantasy and science fiction stories. I enjoyed his work The Fathers, The Sons, and The Anxious Ghost. Reading Fantasy and Science Fiction – Guest Post Happy Holidays, everyone! Don’t forget that books make great gifts!

Readers’ Wants

Back when I did my first blog post, I talked about what I called the “Misery Complex” (in reference to Stephen King’s famous novel), and how writers’ and readers’ wants can clash. Granted, not all fans are crazy and obsessive about authors and fictional characters, like Annie Wilkes, but there is no denying that onceContinue reading “Readers’ Wants”