Announcements and Recent Events

A lot has been happening over the last few months. First off, this week I gave a presentation on word and page count for the Maryland Writers’ Association Frederick County chapter. I meant to record it for my YouTube channel. Sadly, I did not. Oh well. Maybe I’ll do that next time I give it.

For those of you who’ve followed me for a while, you may remember me discussing this topic before. For those of you who haven’t, here’s that post:

    Kindle and Nook preorder links are now available for Beneath the Deep Wave! The latter is also on Goodreads!

    Sally Cronin featured another of my blog posts from last year in her Posts from Your Archives series. Thanks, Sally!

    A new poetry anthology is available featuring six of my poems, courtesy of poets Robbie Cheadle and Kaye Lynne Booth, who not only featured me but also allowed me to discuss my experiences with poetry as part of their Treasuring Poetry blog series a year ago. Many thanks to them, and also to Merril D. Smith for featuring a video of me reading one of my poems, which I’d written in college, as part of the anthology’s blog tour.

    Check out my Poetry page for purchase links!

    Published by Andrew McDowell

    I am an author interested in multiple genres and formats. So far, I have published poetry, short stories, essays, and an epic fantasy novel titled Mystical Greenwood. Visit my website and social media outlets to learn more and stay updated on my writing!

    21 thoughts on “Announcements and Recent Events

    1. Hi Andrew, thank you for the shout out and for being a wonderful contributor to both my blog series and this year’s anthology. I’m delighted that Beneath the Deep Wave is available for pre-order and I have ordered. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

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