Looking toward the Future

Once again, it’s that time of year to reflect on the past and look toward the future. For me, I still feel like I’m in a state of limbo. I’ve talked about moving on to the next step, and posted about resolutions and updates, but I’m still not at the regular writing output that I want. I didn’t have the creative output that some other writers I know had had when everything was shut down. True, as I’ve said before, I spent more time online, and that didn’t do me good. Ever since Mystical Greenwood came out, everyone’s been asking when the sequel is coming out. Believe me when I say I don’t like having to keep telling them I don’t know.

So, I do have some goals/dreams for where to go next in my writing. The main objective, of course, is to be more consistent when it comes to writing. I’ve heard many writers talk about how they have a daily writing routine. Well, a few months after I first sought to balance the scales, I set about reducing the number of daily logins per social site, especially with the Big Five, from three to two, of which I’ve been successful and happy to do. So far, I haven’t been able to set about a daily routine as I’d like (aiming for the morning), but I know I must persevere. I’m going to try and see if I can do writing first thing when I turn on the computer in the morning.

Another thing I’m going to have to remind myself again is that first drafts/early words don’t have to be perfect. They just need to be done. After all, Mystical Greenwood wasn’t as it was when its first draft was completed. It’ll take time to get into the habit of working on writing every day, but I need to remember to believe in myself and my writing.

I also need to be more mindful of when on my sites of what I’m doing. As a result of the situation that had occurred with last month’s post, I duplicated it and deleted the original, so now in my stats I’ve got an “(unknown or deleted)”. A little annoying in its way, but still, I guess it’ll be a reminder that I need to be careful.

Another thing I would like to do in future is go on a writer’s retreat, once the COVID threat diminishes. It’d be nice to go somewhere unfamiliar and spend time on writing. I’ll need to save money and eventually set aside time for that. Like so many things when it comes to the world of writers, sometimes opportunities present themselves they’re not expected or being searched for.

And it would be nice to come up with a new writing presentation. I’ve done my importance of names one 3–4 times now, and I even expanded it to include pen names—for writers and for real people in memoir. It is time for something different.

Further Discussion

  1. Zikra, Nour. How To Find Time For Your Writing.

Published by Andrew McDowell

I am an author interested in multiple genres and formats. So far, I have published poetry, short stories, essays, and an epic fantasy novel titled Mystical Greenwood. Visit my website and social media outlets to learn more and stay updated on my writing!

33 thoughts on “Looking toward the Future

  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Andrew. We can all learn from them. My best time for writing is in the morning also and I too, strive to make the sentences, choice of words and paragraphs perfect when I should just get them “Done!” Good stuff Andrew. Keep writing and sharing. We all benefit from your experiences. JBR

    Liked by 2 people

  2. HI Andrew, I hope you are well. Lots of people, writers and everyone else, have just struggled on through the past two years. I think people are settling down now and working towards getting everything in their lives back on track. I can’t write every day, my day job is far to demanding for that. I set aside chunks of time on Saturday and Sunday for writing and try to squeeze in some writing on a Friday afternoon, if possible. I’m not supposed to work but often end up having to. All the best with your new schedule.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Battling distraction is tough, tougher when the retreats that help us focus are postponed, so I love that you are finding ways to re-inspire and re-motivate yourself. Best of luck and may the words flow!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks for sharing, Andrew. I’m struggling right now too with everything that’s going on, but I hope to find some writing time soon. It’s been really hard to be an author without a backlist, and an indie on top of that, haha! Hope you find what you need too, and I’ll be happy to help if you need a boost or whatever 😄

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  5. I sympathize with you, Andrew. I find that finding time to write is somewhat difficult.
    I spend far too much time checking emails for a start. And commenting. We are told that networking is important, and we should comment on people’s posts, but it takes an age. Then there’s replying to comment on one’s own posts.😳
    I also have a problem in that my husband thinks of my writing as a ‘hobby’ and doesn’t take it seriously. He thinks everything else should come first. Not wanting a row, I tend to acquiesce and only write when there’s nothing else to do.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Andrew.

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  6. “Another thing I’m going to have to remind myself again is that first drafts/early words don’t have to be perfect. They just need to be done.” Best thought of all! And its so true

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Andrew. I need to find a way to resolve some of the same issues. I spend too much time reading posts of others, even though enjoyable, and have little time to write. I feel hurried when I write, which nibbles away at quality and creativity.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. It has been hard going for me too, Andrew, as I suspect it has for many. We read of other’s progress and it can be demoralising. But trying to juggle all the writers things we are supposed to do is practically speaking impossible. My current novel has been at a snail’s pace with motivation wavering all over the place. And my blogging has fallen away too. But I’ll keep on regardless. Best of luck with your new plans for more balance.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. It feels as if there is so much to do, and so much more that as an author you should be doing, doesn’t it? I feel exactly the same about so many of the problems you identify and those which others have shared in the thread. Just now I’m feeling torn as to what to tackle next. That’s why my almost-completed novel keeps having to take a back seat.
    Good luck with your writing plan, Andrew 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Love this article. I could have written the same sentiment. I get so lost in research most times. I deleted Facebook from my phone. I have practiced staying on task and I have written more than ever. of course I edit and re-edit over and over. LOL. but i am getting much better.

    BTW I love your presentation of the importance of names.


    Liked by 1 person

  11. I understand these feelings, I did not have the output many writers had during the height of the pandemic and carving out my time to include writing time seems to be getting harder. I also struggle with the perfectionism of the first draft – even though, intellectually, I know it doesn’t need to be perfect, the Driver in my head while I write seems to have a different idea.

    I really hope you get to go on some retreats soon and that you find a working writing schedule!

    Liked by 1 person

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