New Poetry Publications

Hello, everyone. If you remember from last month, I attended Balticon. Well, I had a good time, met some good people, was on some interesting panels, and I was able to sell three copies of Mystical Greenwood!

Also, in recent months, I’ve been featured in a couple new poetry anthologies. Check them out!

Many thanks to Gabriela Marie Milton for the opportunity to contribute for haiku poems to this anthology! Available in paperback, Kindle, and Goodreads.

I’ve also had this Christian poem published in the online magazine, Words of the Lamb, which has featured me before!

Take My Hand

I mentioned this anthology a few months ago, but thanks again to Robbie Cheadle and Kaye Lynne Booth for allowing me to contribute not only six poems but also six of my pencil drawings! So yes, you can see me in action as an artist and writer! Available in paperback, Kindle, and Goodreads.

If you’re a poetry lover, be sure to check out my poetry page for other poems as well. And for you fantasy and fiction lovers, don’t forget that Beneath the Deep Wave will be coming out in a few months! You can preorder the eBook edition and mark it to read on Goodreads!

Published by Andrew McDowell

I am an author interested in multiple genres and formats. So far, I have published poetry, short stories, essays, and an epic fantasy novel titled Mystical Greenwood. Visit my website and social media outlets to learn more and stay updated on my writing!

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