New Poetry Publications

Hello, everyone. If you remember from last month, I attended Balticon. Well, I had a good time, met some good people, was on some interesting panels, and I was able to sell three copies of Mystical Greenwood! Also, in recent months, I’ve been featured in a couple new poetry anthologies. Check them out! Many thanksContinue reading “New Poetry Publications”

Coming Soon! Beneath the Deep Wave

That’s right! It’s coming out in August. Here is the cover: Beneath the Deep Wave is available for preorder from some vendors as an eBook, but not yet in Kindle, Nook, or print. More sales links will be posted when available. In the meantime, here’s a synopsis, and be sure to read and review MysticalContinue reading “Coming Soon! Beneath the Deep Wave”

Lisa Haselton’s Interview

Many thanks to Lisa Haselton for interviewing me on her blog: Interview with YA author Andrew McDowell If you’re an author looking to do an online interview and promote one of your books, be sure to check out Lisa’s site! As I revealed last month, the sequel to Mystical Greenwood is going to be publishedContinue reading “Lisa Haselton’s Interview”